Introduction to Biostatistics

Spring 2006

Statistics 272/372

Introduction to Biostatistics


Text: Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Biomedical Data, 2nd Ed. By Robert Woolson and William Clarke, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002

References: 1. Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences, 2nd Ed, by Gerald Van Belle,  Lloyd D. Fisher, Patrick J. Heagerty, and Thomas Lumley, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2004

  1. 2.The Little SASBook: A Primer, 2 Ed, by Delwiche, L. D. and Slaughter, S. J., SAS Publishing
  2. SAS System for Regression, 3rdEd., by Freund, R. J., and Littell, R. C., SAS Publishing
  3. Logistic Regression Examples using the SAS System, Version 6, First Ed., 1995 by SAS Institute

Time and Place: M-W-F 2:00-3:00, CLAS 313

Instructor: Ofer Harel

                    Office: CLAS 320

                    Phone: 486-9689

                    Office hours: W-F 9:00-10:00 or by appointment



Prerequisite: Stat 220 and Stat 230

Grading: You are responsible for the material covered in the text, lectures, and homework. The final grade will be based on class participation (might composed of project, quizzes, and other types of participation), homework, two in class examinations and final exam.  There will be no makeup exams.  Each homework assignment is due a week after it is assigned.  All three exams are closed book and closed notes. However, you are allowed to bring in one page (8.5”x11”) of your own notes. Students are expected to bring a calculator during the exams. Although the exams are the same for students in both classes (Stat 272 and Stat 372), the grades are assigned based on different curves, one for undergraduates and the other one for graduates.

            Homework:                  20%

            Class participation:        20%

            Exam 1:                        15%

            Exam 2:                        15%

            Final Exam:                   30% (According to the schedule)