
  • Ofer Harel was named Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UConn (July 2024).
  • Ofer Harel Awarded the “Applied Public Health Statistics Section Achievement in Academia Award”, American Public Health Association. (November 2023).
  • Ofer Harel was interviewed for the New York Amsterdam News for the story “COVID-19 data is missing lots of race and ethnicity info. Here’s why.” (May 2023).
  • Undergraduate student Sana Gupta has been awarded UConn IDEA Grant to support her 2023-24 academic year project “A Novel Imputation Strategy for Incomplete Compositional Data Analysis“. (April 2023).
  • Ofer Harel was named the interim Dean for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UConn starting July 1, 2023 (April 2023).
  • Ph.D. Student Prince Allotey won the Department of Statistic’s Teaching Excellence award (October 2022).
  • Ph.D. Student Jung Wun Lee was elected one of 3 finalists in the 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) / Stata Scholar Student Research Competition (July 2022).
  • Ph.D. Student Prince Allotey is in the news (May 2022).
  • Ofer Harel was elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) (February 2022). UConn Today Announcement.
  • Ph.D. Student Jung Wun Lee awarded the Mark of Excellence Awards (Perfect scoring in the Qualifying exam), (September 2021).
  • Ph.D. Student Prince Allotey won a Statistics in Pharmaceuticals (SIP2021) conference scholarship (August 2021).
  • Ofer Harel was named Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UConn (March 2021).
  • Ph.D. Student Jung Wun Lee awarded the Gottfried Noether Award (Best Performance in Mathematical Statistics), (September 2020).
  • Students’ team representing UConn Statistics Department (and Ofer Harel’s group) have won the 2020 ASA Leadership Challenge. The team of Graduate and undergraduate students included Katherine Zaves, Yulia Sidi, Prince Allotey and Rujue Du.
  • Ph.D. student Katherine Zavez presenting her paper “Imputing racial and ethnic information in health claim databases” won this year APHA’s Applied Public Health Statistics section 2020 student research paper competition (October 2020).
  • Ofer Harel was announced one of the winners of  the New UConn Presidential M1 Mentorship Program Awardees (August 2020).
  • Ph.D. student Katherine Zavez is one of the finalists of APHA’s Applied Public Health Statistics section 2020 student research paper competition (April 2020).
  • Ph.D. student Prince Allotey received an Honorable Mention for his application for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Ford Foundation Fellowship (March 2020).
  • Ph.D. student Katherine Zavez is one of the winners of the Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences (IBACS) Graduate Summer Fellowship Competition (January 2020).
  • Ph.D. student Yulia Sidi’s paper titled “Non-inferiority clinical trials: treating margin as missing information” has been selected as one of the winners of this year’s student paper competition for the Health Policy Statistics Section of ASA. (January 2020).
  • Ofer Harel and Kate Crespi co-chaired the 13th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics took place in San Diego CA. (January 2020).
  • Ph.D. student Prince Allotey was elected to participate at the 2020 ENAR Fostering Diversity in Biostatistics Workshop (January 2020).
  • Ofer Harel was featured in the HPSS Winter 2019 Newsletter (December 2019).
  • Ph.D. student Yulia Sidi was elected as a student scholar for the 2019 Deming Conference. (November 2019).
  • Ofer Harel and Kate Crespi featured at episode 70 of the Pharmaceutical Section podcast titled “2020 International Conference on Health Policy Statistics.” (November 2019).
  • The paper “Non-inferiority design: Treating margin as missing information” by Sidi, Y. and Harel, O. received a student travel award to the APHA’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo held in Philadelphia, PA. (November 2019).
  • Ph.D. student Prince Allotey received an Honorable Mention for his application for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Ford Foundation Fellowship (July 2019).
  • Ofer Harel was elected Chair elect of the Council of Sections Governing Board of the American Statistical Association (July 2018).
  • Ofer Harel was elected to present Keynote address at the 37th Annual Applied Statistical Workshop of the Southern California Chapter of ASA, City of Hope, CA. (April 2018).
  • Ofer Harel was elected to co-chair the International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (ICHPS) with Kate Crespi, to take place in San Diego January 2020. (September 2017).
  • Ali Valcarcel received an honorable mention at the 2015 Undergraduate Research Project Competition (USRESP) for her project “Estimating Causal Effects in Incomplete Observational Studies Using Multiple Imputation and Propensity Score Analysis,” co-authored with Ofer Harel (September 2015).
  • Ofer Harel was elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association (May 2015).
  • Ofer Harel was elected to receive the Distinguished Alumni Award, The Methodology Center, The Pennsylvania State University (May 2015).
  • The paper “Clustering incomplete data via normal mixture models and multiple imputation” by Larose, C., Dey, D. and Harel, O. won first place at the Applied Public Health Statistics student competition at the 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition held in New Orleans, LA, November, 2014.
  • The paper with D. Dey and J.Liu “Baltic sea peracarids diurnal activity data: Issues on multiple imputation on over-dispersed Poisson regression model and model selection” appeared in the year 2010, volume 62 (nos. 245-248) of Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin won the Bose-Nandi Award. For the best paper in Applied Statistics in Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin (Calcutta Statistical Association).
  • The paper “Model Selection with Incomplete Data Using Adjusted Variance” by Chaurasia, A. and Harel, O. received a student travel award to the 10th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (ICHPS) held in Chicago, IL, October 9-11, 2013.
  • Congratulations to Valerie Pare who have been awarded the Institute of Teaching and Learning’s 2013-2014 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award (March 2013).
  • Ashok Chaurasia and Jen Boyko were elected to the University of Connecticut chapter of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (March 2013).
  • Ofer Harel became Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. Here is the announcment (March 2013).
  • The paper “Assessing the privacy of randomized vector valued queries to a database using the area under the receiver-operator characteristic curve” by Matthews, G. and Harel, O. won the ASA Health Policy & Statistics Section’s (HPSS) student paper competition (August 2012).
  • Ofer Harel was elected to be Program Chair of the Health Policy Statistics Section (HPSS), the American Statistical Association (July 2012).
  • The paper by Gerlock, A.A., Grimesey, J.L., Pisciotta, A.K. and Harel, O. (2011). Documentation of screening for perpetration of intimate partner violence in male veterans with PTSD. American Journal of Nursing, 111, 26-32. PILOTS ID: 37448. was featured in “Screening for perpetration of partner violence” CTU-Online, 5(5/6),
  • Ph.D. student Ashok Chaurasia received a student travel award to the Ninth International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (ICHPS) held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 5-7, 2011. The award was for his paper “How well does AIC perform in partially observed data?” co-authored with Ofer Harel (October 2011).
  • The 2011 JSM session “Data Confidentiality: Health Policy Perspective,” organized by Ofer Harel is featured in the news release distributing via PRWeb to Miami media.
  • Ofer Harel was elected to be Program Chair-Elect of the Health Policy Statistics Section (HPSS), the American Statistical Association (July 2011).
  • Ofer Harel was promoted to an Associate professor with tenure (August 2010).
  • Ofer Harel was elected the President of the Connecticut Chapter of the American Statistical Association (ASA) 2010-2011 (August 2010).
  • The paper “Assessing privacy using AUC metric”  by Matthews, G., Harel, O. and Aseltine, R. won the ASA Health Policy & Statistics Section’s (HPSS) student paper competition (August 2010).
  • 2010 AAUP Research Promise Excellence Award
  • UConn Today December 3, 2009
  • UConn Advance January 22, 2007